General Description:

Acacia gracillima is a shrub or small tree 4-8 metres in height which has reddish brown “minni ritchi” bark. This is a name given to bark which curls and peels off in fine strips.

The foliage is very fine and long, slightly curved and with a small brownish point. Phyllodes are 4-6.5cm x 0.5-1.5mm, usually having a single vein closer to the top margin. The bright yellow spike flowers appear in winter. They have sticky stalks and are followed by very sticky, bright green pods which ripen to dark brown. Pods are shaggy hairy and black, oblong seeds are dehisced (shed) as soon as the pods open.

This is a very suitable wattle for tropical areas, particularly those with a wet/dry monsoon climate.

Propagation is usually carried out from seed.


Plant profile image

Acacia gracillima
Photo: Keith Townsend


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