General Description:
Anticoryne is a small genus of three species occurring in the south-west of Western Australia1. They are small to medium shrubs that are closely related to Babingtonia.
Anticoryne ovalifolia (previously Baeckea ovalifolia) is a small to medium shrub up to 2 metres high and wide. The small, densely arranged leaves are up oval shaped to 10 mm long and decussately arranged on the stems. The 5-petalled flowers occur singly on short stalks are are 10-15 mm in diameter. They are white or pale pink in colour and are seen mainly during late winter and spring..
A.ovalifolia is an attractive plant with masses of well displayed flowers. It is best suited to well drained soils and can be grown in sunny or partially shaded locations. It may still be available under its previous name.
Seed germinates well without pretreatment. Cuttings of firm, current season’s growth strike readily.
- Rye B. L. (2017); Revision of the south-western Australian genus Anticoryne (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae). Nuytsia 28: 205–215 (2017)

Anticoryne ovalifolia
Photo: Chris Clarke: reproduced under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.