General Description:
Bursaria incana is a tall shrub or small, sparse tree, 3-7metres tall. Young branches are covered with soft white hairs and young plants carry thorns. Bark is grey and rough. This species is sometimes regarded as a variety of Bursaria spinosa and some records from southern states presumably refer to the latter species.
Leaves are oblong, blunt, somewhat pendulous, green above, whitish and hairy beneath, 5-8 cm x 1-3 cm. Flowers are creamy-white, sweetly scented, about 1.2 cm in diameter and borne in large, dense terminal panicles. Flowering period is February to April and the flat, brown seeds are contained in flattened, purse-shaped capsules to 1cm x 1cm.
Full sun and well drained conditions are required. In the wild this plant tends to become a sparse small tree but judicious pruning and watering should result in a more attractive plant.
Propagation is from from seed, which germinates readily, or cuttings.

Bursaria incana
Photo: Keith Townsend

Bursaria incana
Photo: Keith Townsend