General Description:
Grevillea aurea is a tall, open shrub, 2-6 metres in height. Leaves are 7-16cm long, blue-green in colour, oblong-dentate with 4-12 toothed lobes per side. Flowers appear mainly in autumn and winter but plants in cultivation may have some flowers for most of the year. Flower buds are coppery brown, opening to yellow-orange flowers. A full yellow form is also known.
Because of its open habit, a plant in full flower is very attractive and deserves a place in any garden in tropical and sub-tropical areas. It prefers well drained soils in full sun but is frost tender and not suited to cold climates. Plants are quite quick growing but sometimes have only a short lifespan of 2-3 years.
Propagation may be carried out from seed and germination is improved if the seed is carefully “nicked” with a sharp knife to expose the embryo. Cuttings are also successful and the species has been successfully grafted using Grevillea robusta as rootstock.
Grevillea aurea
Photo: Keith Townsend