General Description:
Grevillea buxifolia is typical of the “spider-flower grevilleas where the individual flowers are arranged in a more or less globular arrangement. It is generally a small to medium sized, rounded shrub between 1 and 2.5 metres high. Leaves are oval to elliptical in shape about 10 mm in length. They are generally glossy green on the upper surface and greyish below with short hairs. The grey, hairy flowers occur in clusters at the ends of the branches and are seen in late winter and spring.
There are two recognised subspecies (subsp. buxifolia and subsp. ecorniculata) which differ in the shape and features of the pollen presenter. Two former subspecies, subsp. phylicoides and subsp. sphacelata have been raised to species status.
Grevillea buxifolia subsp. buxifolia is well known in cultivation and is generally a reliable and attractive shrub for well drained soils in sunny or semi-shaded situations. It withstands extended dry periods once established and is tolerant of at least moderate frosts. Subsp. ecorniculata has not been cultivated to any great extent but would be expected to perform similarly.
Propagation may be carried out from seed, preferably after ‘nicking’ the hard seed coat to slightly expose the embryo. Cuttings of firm, current seasons growth can also succeed but the strike rate may be low and misting should be minimised because of the hairy stems and leaves which can be affected by fungus.

Grevillea buxifolia
Photo: Brian Walters