General Description:

Grevillea montana is a small shrub up to 1.5 metres high. It is closely related to G.arenaria and is sometimes regarded as a subspecies of that species. It is found in the Hunter Valley between Denman and Kurri Kurri. It has elliptical leaves to 30 mm long with recurved margins. The flowers occur singly or a few together, mainly in winter and spring. They are mainly green in colour with a greater or lesser degree of red.

G.montana is not widely grown but has been in cultivation for many years. It was in cultivation in England as early as 1822. It is a neat but not spectacular shrub which is reliable in a range of well drained soils and over a wide climatic range. It grows well in sun or semi-shade and tolerates at least moderate frost. The species is an ideal size for average-sized gardens and attracts birds. Fertilisers containing phosphorus are best avoided.

The species can be grown from seed and cuttings strike fairly readily.


Plant profile image

Grevillea montana
Photo: Neil Marriott


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