'Australian Plants' Vol.5 No.38 March 1969 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The text in this file has been extracted from 'Australian Plants' Vol.5 No.38 March 1969. | | | | Please note that the file was compiled from a scan of the original document. As successful | | scanning is dependent on the quality of the original, there may be errors in the text where | | the scanning software was unable to recognise particular words. | | | | PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING LINK TO VIEW THE ACTUAL, ACCURATELY FORMATTED | | JOURNAL, INCLUDING ILLUSTRATIONS AND PHOTOS: | | | | https://anpsa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/Australian-Plants/Australian-Plants-Vol5-38.pdf | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR GROWING AUSTRALIAN PLANTS IN 11,000 COPIES Registered at G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission MARCH, 1969 Volume 5, No. 38 by post as a periodical. Volume 5 will comprise 1ssues 37-44 Price: 30c Block by courtesy of John Sands Fty. Ltd STURT'S DESERT PEA WILDFLOWERS THAT REQUIRE LITTLE WATERING @@@ 2 @@@ Page 50—Vol. 5 AUSTRALIAN FLANTS—THIS ISSUE March. 1969 HOW TO GROW STURT PEA by F. N. Hall A well grown Sturt Pea in full flower is a traffic stopper anywhere, and is worth the effort to grow it in the garden or a large container. Time to plant. In the wetter areas or where frosts are severe. Sow September to early December. In areas where winters are mild and fairly dry, autumn sowings can be made for spring flowers. Soil preparation. Dig over soil in usual manner. If soil has not been previously used, up to 1 oz. of superphosphate may be used to advantage. Soil. Most