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Issues 1 to 26 of Australian Plants online are available from the links below.
Contents of Issue No.26 - June 2002
- On the Brink - 2: ( Australian Plants at Risk) Agapites meiniana
- History of Botanical Nomenclature - Just how did those confusing botanical names come about??
- Plant Breeders Rights: An Australian Native Plant Perspective
- Australian Cordylines - The exotic Cordyline australis is a popular garden subject, but what about the Australian species?
- Grafted Hakea - How to grow the spectacular western hakeas in unhelpful climates.
- Hang 'em High! - Growing Australian plants in hanging baskets
- A Fern which Changed Australian History - The role of nardoo in the fate of explorers Burke and Wills.
- Short Cuts - Grafting Geraldton Wax; Low Rainfall/Drought in Australian Garden Design; The Intimate Relationship Between Plants and Animals; Propagation of Grevilleas by Grafting; Biodiversity Revisited (when is there too much of a good thing!?); The Ranunculus Family
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.25 - March 2002
- On the Brink - 1: ( Australian Plants at Risk) Homoranthus porteri
- Ellis Stones: Landscape Architect
- The Mighty Canthium - A genus that deserves to be better known
- Edible Acacias
- Bark - The textures and colours of bark are often overlooked in landscape planning
- Our Wild Foods to the World
- The National Botanic Gardens of Wales - with a surprisingly large collection of Australian plants
- Short Cuts - 19th Century Skullduggery!!; Gymea Silly; Rare Eucalypts at Burrendong Arboretum; Our Magnificent Swamp Orchids; Increasing the Variety of Birds in the Garden; The Genus Regelia
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Favourites 7: Payne's Thryptomeme
- The Propagation of Banksia
- When is a Baeckea not a Baeckea? - Name changes and new species
- Eremophila and Pollinators
- Review of the Promotive Effects of Smoke on Seed Dormancy
- The Passage of Fire - Adaptations to fire in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales
- Correa - Wild Fuchsia
- Short Cuts - Plants' Adaptation to Drought; Growing Epacris in Containers; Germination of Epacrls Seeds using Plant-derived Smoke, Darkness and Heat; Olearia - The Daisy Bush; Grafting Eremophila; The Red Wattle
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Favourites 6: Grevilleas....Lots of them!!
- Propagating Boronia
- Starting out with Native Orchids
- A Heathland Ramble - "Gardening Australia" visits south-east Queensland's wallum
- Use of Native Grasses in Landscaping
- South West Cape Range, Tasmania
- Local Wildlife and Plants at Home in the Suburban Garden
- Short Cuts - Eucalypt Seeds; Propagation of Prostrate Acacias; Paws to Burn! A Hitchhiker's Guide to Correa reflexa; Some Low Maintenance Thoughts; The Hop Bitter Pea - Daviesia latifolia
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.22 - June 2001
- Favourites 5: Wahlenbergia stricta - Tall bluebell
- Queensland Raspberries...Australian members of the genus Rubus
- Eremophila: The Emu Bush.
- A Mid-winter's Patch - Plants to brighten up the cold, dank days of winter!
- Landscapes of South-west Western Australia - Why is the west the way it is?
- Water Conservation in the Garden.
- Cultivation Shock....or "Fire and Ice"! - Successes and failures with Grevillea in a harsh climate.
- Short Cuts - What's a karkella? Outwitting the Local Kangaroos; A Spectacular Persoonia; Smoked Vermiculite; What's Behind that Name??; Unlocking the Secrets of Flannel Flowers
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.21 - March 2001
- Favourites 4: Telopea speciosissima - Waratah
- A Trip to the South-West - Making a pilgrimage to the "Wildflower State".
- Growing Callistemon from Seed.
- Growing Calytrix - With more than 70 species, why aren't Calytrix seen more often in cultivation?
- My Favourite Rainforest Plants for Containers
- Rotten Cheesefruit?...or Great Morinda?? The much maligned "cheese fruit".
- In Honour of Ferdinand Bauer - The story of the botanical illustrator commemorated in the genus Bauera
- Short Cuts - Alyogyne huegelii, an attractive Australian hibiscus; One of the Toughest, Lomandra multiflora; Death of a Eucalypt; Growing Rainforest Vines; Candles in the Wind, Banksia ericifolia; To Prune or not to Prune?
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Favourites 3: Hardenbergia violacea - Native or False Sarsaparilla
- Christmas Trees - Australian native plants that are at their best at this time of year
- Sir Thomas' Plants - Retracing the journey of Sir Thomas Mitchell in central Queensland
- Glyphosate and Cancer - Is there a link??? The evidence is conflicting.
- Poor Relations.... Often overlooked members of the Boronia family
- Direct Seeding of Native Vegetation to Achieve Biological Diversity
- The Australian Aquatic Garden
- Short Cuts - Grevillea baileyana; Why grow native plants in pots anyway?; Growing Orchids from Seed; The Three "R"s of Garden Design; Propagating from Cuttings; Magic Moments - unexpected delights in a native garden.
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Favourites 2: Sturt's desert pea in the UK....we're kidding, right??? Wrong!
- Australia's Native Orchids - The best epiphytic and terrestrial species for southern Australia.
- Textures and Forms of Australian Plants.
- Corymbia, Corymbia......wherefore art thou Corymbia? Lumping or splitting the eucalypts??
- In Appreciation of the Common Black Wattle.
- Adenanthos.......a member of the Protea family.
- Birdscaping....and the 'Birds in Backyards' Project
- Short Cuts - Bartle Frere Oak; The Pricelessness of Kangaroo Grass; Koalas and Eucalypts; Eremophila Seed Trials; How Not to Grow Eucalyptus caesia; Fertilising Australian Native Plants.
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.18 - June 2000
- Favourites 1: Banksia spinulosa, the Hairpin Banksia.
- Back to the Future - Where Now for Bush Foods?
- Restoring Habitat through Revegetation:
Following the "Three Rs"....Retention, Restoration, Revegetation
- An Introduction to Trigger Plants
- Rejuvenating an Old Garden: Time to re-plan, re-plant and rejuvenate.
- The Adaptable and Rewarding Crowea.
- Plants of the Newnes Plateau
- Short Cuts - Exocarpos cupressiformis; Observations on Grevillea wilkinsonii; Needs Good Drainage!!!; Serendipity in Australian Garden Design; Propagation of Hakea; Growing Billardiera.
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.17 - March 2000
- Getting Started 8: Potted Plants
- Using Indigenous Plants to Conserve Indigenous Fauna
- An Experience with Macadamia; Growing Macadamia in central Florida
- Birds in the Autumn Garden
- Between Jerusalem and the Acropolis; Walking in Tasmania's south-west
- Paws for Reflection! Growing kangaroo paws.
- Growing Rainforest Plants
- Short Cuts - Firewheel Tree (Stenocarpus sinuatus).....Coastal Update....Burdekin Plum (Pleiogynium timorense)....Winter Colour....Lechenaultia formosa.
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Getting Started 7: Watering.
- Shrubby Myrtles; There's more to the myrtle family than bottlebrushes and tea trees!
- Weeds - The Silent Invaders.
- Acacia - An Introduction.
- Coastal Sandplain and Heathland Plants of Western Australia; Holly-leaved Banksia - Banksia ilicifolia.
- Mulga - Acacia aneura - A widespread and very useful wattle of central Australia.
- Epacrids from Cuttings - Propagating the Australian "heaths".
- Short Cuts - Bush Tucker, Bunya Nuts.....Grevillea australis - Southern or Alpine Grevillea.....Successful Persoonia germination.....Goodia: No Seed; No Name.....Lace Flower - Melaleuca thymifolia.....Our Parasitic Plants
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Getting Started 6: Planting Out.
- Plants, Animals and Sex!...The X-rated activities that go on in the hidden parts of your garden
- Understanding Soils and Nutrients - Part 3.
- The Weeping Emu Bush; Eremophila longifolia.
- Cultivation of Dryandra
- Hidden Treasures....a personal view. A brief history of evolution and utilization of the Australian flora
- The Blooming Lilly Pilly;
- Short Cuts - The Ingnitability of Leaves of Australian Plants.....Two Rare New South Wales' Grevilleas.....The Leaning Trees of Greenough.....Fireweed; a Spreading Pest of Eastern Australia.....Mountain Devils.....Positive Pavonia
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.14 - June 1999
- Getting Started 5: Potting On.
- Gardening for Butterflies.
- Understanding Soils and Nutrients - Part 2.
- Dead Finish; Acacia tetragonaphylla.
- Coastal Sandplain and Heathland Plants of Western Australia: The marri - Corymbia calophylla.
- Will the Waratah Ever Fulfil its Potential?
- Spreading the Genes - The tricks that plants use in seed dispersal.
- Short Cuts - My Battle with Clematis aristata....My Dad's Bunya Pine....Pultenaea from Cuttings....The Magnificent Tree Waratah....Wattle Day - a Short History.....Trees and Tags.
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.13 - March 1999
- Getting Started 4: Propagation from Cuttings.
- The Evolution of the Myrtle Family in Australia.
- Understanding Soils and Nutrients - Part 1.
- A Name Change for Most Eriostemons.
- On the Nose - A Perfumed Garden...fragrance comes in many flavours
- A Garden and a Puff of Salt Air...gardening in coastal areas.
- Eremophilas in San Diego
- Short Cuts - Cuttings in the Cold....Tiliqua scincoides (Blue-tongue lizard) in my Garden....Growing Ferns from Spore...Buckinhamia; the Ivory Curl Tree....The Unique Kangaroo Paws....Plant Death in Pots.
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Getting Started 3: Growing from Seed.
- Growing Tropical Australian Rainforest Trees...how to establish your own rainforest.
- Bush Food Species for Temperate Regions.
- The Naming Game...plant names often contain a hidden story.
- Australian Plants and Essential Oils. What is the basis for the aromatic fragrance of the foliage of many plants?
- The Nurseryperson and You...a nurseryman looks at recent trends and relationships with the customer.
- Blandfordia in History. The early cultivation of "Christmas Bells" in Europe.
- Short Cuts - Direct Tree Seeding...The Value of a Tree...Will the REAL Callistemon "Captain Cook" Please Stand Up?...After the Virus; the impact of Rabbit Calicivirus (RCV)...Beaufortia and the Duchess of Beaufort...A Remarkable Red Wattle.
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Getting Started 2: The Soil - Part 2 in our series about the basics.
- Australian Plants in Their Own Garden - Bush Tales from the northern Flinders Ranges..
- Tissue Culture of Grevillea Species at Mt Annan Botanic Garden - Tissue culture is an important technique for conservation of endangered species.
- Leptospermum - Tea trees are well known but relatively few are grown in gardens.
- Attracting Native Birds into Your Garden - A garden filled with birds is just a matter of correct planting.
- The Romance of Haloragodendron lucasii - A rare plant rediscovered in suburban Sydney.
- Butterfly Mania - Why would you want to encourage insects that eat your plants? Lots of reasons....
- Short Cuts - Ants: Good or Not-so-good in the Bush?; Symphionema; The Orchid Which Catches Stingless Bees; Hibbertia; Pruning Australian Native Plants; Sheer Exhilaration! Growing Sturt's Desert Pea.
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.10 - June 1998
- Getting Started 1: Myths and Fables - A new series about the basics.
- Growing Darwinia - Grafting holds the key to successful growing of these spectacular plants.
- Flowers.....Who Needs em?!!! - There's more to an interesting Australian garden than colourful flowers.
- Commercial Propagation of Australian Wildflowers.
- Associations Among Plants, Birds and Insects - How these relationships can effect back-yard ecology.
- Blue Mountains Wilderness - A journey into the rugged country of the Coxs and Kowmung Rivers.
- Aboriginal Uses of Plants Around Sydney - Plant species used for food, tools and medicines
- Short Cuts - Growing Ptilotus in Sydney; Junk Food Kills Birds; An Unusual Propagation Method; Coppice Gardening - Adopting An Old Forestry Practice; Germinating Seeds in Plastic Bags; Wallabies at the Bottom of the Garden
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.9 - March 1998
- Floral Emblems - Eucalyptus globulus (Tasmania).
- Australian Climbing Plants - What goes up.......usually stays there!
- Medicinal Properties and Bush Foods of eucalypts - Eucalypts have proved highly valuable to both aborigines and European settlers.
- A Protean Garden in California - Australian and South African plants flourish far from home.
- An Introduction to Ferns - Some hardy ferns for cultivation, indoors and outside.
- A Short History of Grevillea cultivation in England - Grevilleas were introduced in the "old dart" as early as 1792!
- Using Spaces and Styles in Overall Garden Design - How to achieve a practical and spacious landscape
- Short Cuts - Mycorrhizas in native flora; Growing grasses; The Wee Jasper Grevillea; Autumn - a time to rejuvenate the garden; The Ranunculus family in OZ; The genus Lomatia
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Floral Emblems - Wahlenbergia gloriosa (Australian Capital Territory).
- A Simple Botany of Wattles - the characteristics of the genus Acacia.
- The Flowering Sands - Flora of the "Wallum" (coastal heath).
- Bunya Feast - Bunya pines produce a bountiful harvest.
- Phosphorus Needs of Australian Plants - Removing the uncertainty regarding phosphorus toxicity.
- Re-establishing Local Bushland in Suburban Melbourne.
- Dyeing with Eucalypts - Adding colour to wool.....
- Short Cuts - Growing plants from seed; Plant nomenclature; Getting the priorities right; Hakea trineura - a geographical oddity; Around the "S" bend; Growing grass trees.
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Floral Emblems - Anigozanthos manglesii (Western Australia).
- The Quandong (Santalum acuminatum) - a desert plant with a big future.
- Meeting the challenge of propagating the Quandong.
- Australian plants as weeds at home and abroad.
- Australian Native Poisonous Plants.
- Protecting and creating habitat in bushland and local parks and gardens.
- Australian Hibiscus (and relatives) in pots.
- Short Cuts - From tree to seed; Tea tree oil; The "Bog Method" for germinating seed; Viruses and orchids; Eremophila racemosa - Back from the brink; Eight ways to kill cuttings.
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.6 - June 1997
- Floral Emblems - Gossypium sturtianum (Northern Territory)
- Grey and Silver Plants in the Australian Garden
- Australian Plants in California
- Australian Plants for Bonsai
- Gardening by Computer
- Germination Trials with Eremophila species
- Growing Callistemons in Large Pots
- Short Cuts - Growing dendrobiums; Vegetative propagation of eucalypts; Striking cuttings in winter; Australian plants and the senses; Botanical terminology; Preventing disease in potting mixes
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.5 - March 1997
- Floral Emblems - Telopea speciossissima (New South Wales)
- Grow your own Rainforest
- Capricornia Cuisine - Bush Tucker in Central Queensland
- Revegetating for Habitat in Parks, Gardens and Roadsides
- Pests and Diseases of Australian Plants
- Australian Proteaceae in Pots
- Starlight's Banksia - A new Banksia for eastern Australia
- Short Cuts - Pasteurised cutting/potting mix; Pruning to rejuvenate; The white waratah; The blueberry ash; Propagation of ferns; Trigger plants
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Floral Emblems - Epacris impressa (Victoria)
- Cultivation and Propagation of Boronia and itsRelatives
- Australian Plants as Cut Flowers
- Small-growing Eucalypts
- Correas and Birds
- Bringing Back the Bush
- Three (More) Rogue Aussies!
- Short Cuts - Macro Results - Micro Method!; Grevillea rara Surfaces Again!; The Protean Legend (More or Less....); A Frog - friendly Garden; How Does One Sharpen Sand?; Potting on Seedlings
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
- Floral Emblems - Dendrobium bigibbum (Queensland)
- The Impact of Fire - An Historical Perspective
- Planning for All-Year Colour
- Views of the Australian Flora - The First Settlers
- Rediscovery of Grevillea batrachioides
- Murphy's Laws of Gardening
- The Golden Everlasting - Bracteantha bracteata
- Short Cuts - Spirited Plants; Dusky - The Runaway Coral Pea;Growing Rhododendron lochiae; A Spider in the Rain Gauge; Cuttings and Myths
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.2 - June 1996
- Floral Emblems - Swainsona formosa (South Australia)
- Fragrant Australian Plants
- Tower Hill - Large Scale Revegetation in Victoria
- Early English Views of the Australian Flora
- Rediscovery of Grevillea williamsonii
- Corymbia - New Genus in the Eucalypts
- Use of Smoke for Germination
- Short Cuts - Smoke Treatment for Baeckea behrii; Nardoo Sporocarps; Banksias, Sand and Superphosphate; Underground Orchid Found; Simple Propagation in Water
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
Contents of Issue No.1 - March 1996
- Floral Emblems - Acacia pycnantha (Australia)
- Flannel Flowers
- Phosphorus and Iron Nutrition
- Early Dutch Views of the Australian Flora
- A Different View of Plant Pests
- Australian Plants in California
- Grafting Mint Bushes
- Short Cuts - Grevilleas from Seed; History of Callistemon Cultivation; Legionnaire's Disease; Seed Treatment for "Pea"-Type Plants; Ethics of Non-Indigenous Plants
- Departments - Mailbox; Web Links; Reviews; etc.
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Australian Plants online - September 2002
Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants