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Corymbia 'Summer Red' and 'Summer Beauty'

Lawrie Smith

Editor's Note: In the original article, these plants were referred to as Eucalyptus 'Summer Red' and 'Summer Beauty'. The generic name has been changed to Corymbia here to provide consistency with the rest of the ASGAP website which accepts the re-classification of certain eucalypts to that genus.

Form: These plants grow rapidly to 5 metres with an open branching habit forming a dense irregular rounded canopy supported on stout, sometimes multiple, branched trunks. The foliage has a weeping habit adding to the overall unique form to make an excellent focal point.

Corymbia 'Summer Beauty'
Corymbia 'Summer Beauty'
Top: Corymbia 'Summer Red'.
Bottom: Corymbia 'Summer Beauty'.
Photos: Lawrie Smith

Foliage: These evergreen trees have large glossy dark green leaves up to 300 mm long and 50 mm wide with a light green reverse and decorative bronze new growth several times a year. Pruning is not necessary except to remove the lower branches so you can walk under them.

Flowering: As its names suggest the peak flower display is in the summer months from December to March, but occasional flowers can be found at other times. The canopy of these distinctive trees is virtually covered with huge dense terminal clusters of flowers each up to 20 mm across. 'Summer Red' has hot pink to red flowers and 'Summer Beauty' has pink to apricot flowers. Honey-eating birds and bees find the nectar laden flowers irresistible.

Suitability: These small gums are suited to most soils but grow best in well-drained organically rich but moist soils. Plant in a carefully selected sunny spot and apply controlled release fertilizer for Australian plants during the growing season to encourage maximum flowering. Water regularly while young to establish, but then they are drought tolerant.

Special attributes: The large weeping leaves, the delicate buds, followed by the spectacular flowers and interesting fruits (useful for dried arrangements) make these spectacular small trees an ideal selection for any garden. Plant in a carefully selected position in your garden so as to appreciate the spectacular mid summer flowering.


From the newsletter of the Pine Rivers Branch of the Society for Growing Australian Plants (Queensland), April 2007.

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