Update: 13 August 2009
ISSN 1326-7469
Australian Plants online is an online magazine published by the Australian Native Plants Society (Australia) - ANPSA, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the growing, conservation, promotion and appreciation of Australian native plants.
Australian Plants online is currently in recess. New items are not being added for the time being but you can still view all of the articles published since 1995. Articles published in 2009 are listed below. Previous articles can be found by using the 'Back Issues' link.
Back Issues
Articles, Short Cuts and Reviews all the way back to March 1995 can be accessed here.
'Australian Plants' - In Print!!
The Society's 48 page, colour (printed) journal, "Australian Plants" has been published quarterly since 1959. It carries articles of interest to both amateur growers and professionals in botany and horticulture. Topics covered by the journal cover a wide range and include landscaping, growing, botany, propagation and conservation. Find out more here.
Society Web Sites
For more information about Australia's native plants, visit these web sites:
Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and may not represent official policy of the member Societies of the Australian Native Plants Society (Australia). The copyright of all articles and images remains with the individual authors, artists and photographers. Photographs are copyright Brian Walters unless otherwise indicated.
Editor: Brian Walters
Australian Plants online - 2009
Australian Native Plants Society (Australia)