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Design principles stories

  • Bioregion

Fifty shades of shade

23 February 2024

At least fifty shades of shade grace my garden! Shade is easy in my garden – but how much shade and what time of day, month, year! My acre block…

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Grow a native garden in shade

20 February 2024

Have you ever wondered how to grow a native garden in shade? Here is a spectacular showcase of shady gardens, along with tips to consider in your design. The annual…

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Light and shadow in garden design

20 February 2024

Light and shadow in garden design go hand in hand. Together they are present in every garden, but often taken for granted. They may not immediately reveal themselves as garden…

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Garden design – The past informs the present and the future!

6 February 2024

Lawrie Smith, AM, spoke at an Australian Plants Society conference in Kiama in September 2022 on Garden design – The past informs the present and the future! About the video…

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Looking from the inside

6 February 2024

I am fortunate to have a lot of large windows drawing my attention to what is going on outside. They give me views from the sky to the garden around…

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