Eremophila Study Group Newsletters

Since the inception of the Eremophila Study Group, over 140 newsletters have been published. These document reports from members about cultivation in various climatic zones, propagation methods, natural occurrences of different species and information on Group meetings and excursions. There are currently three active sub-groups operating out of Victoria, Queensland and South Australia.
Most of the past Study Group Newsletters are provided here as an archive. Please note that these early Newsletters have been scanned in from a Compendium of Study Group Newsletters and the vagaries of the scanning system mean that some “Page 2’s” are blank – however all the newsletter text is there (page numbering also comes from that Compendium).
Newsletters older than one year from publication can be downloaded from this site (see below) and are fully searchable online. The most recent Newsletters will be uploaded about a year in arrears, so that current Study Group members have privileged access to current content.
Indexes are available for issues 1-100 of the Study Group newsletter but there are some gaps.
The newsletters are in pdf format and will require a PDF Reader to view them. Free readers include Foxit Reader and Adobe Acrobat Reader).
Newsletter Search
You can search the contents of the newsletters using the Search Box below.