General Description:

Bauera is a small genus of three shrubby species, all occurring in eastern Australia. Of these, the dog rose, Bauera rubioides, is the best known as it has been in widespread cultivation for many years.

Bauera sessiliflora is a bushy, medium shrub of about 2 metres or more in height. It has small leaves which are comprised of 3 leaflets closely attached to the stems. The leaves are about 25-30 mm long. The deep pink flowers appear in the leaf axils mainly in spring and are about 10-15 mm in diameter. The flowers have no stalk (pedicel) and appear to be attached directly to the branches. This is the main distinguishing feature between B.sessiliflora and B.rubioides – the flowers of the latter have a distinct stalk.

B.sessiliflora has been in limited cultivation for many years but is not as widely grown as B.rubioides as it can be difficult to maintain in areas with humid summers. For best results it should be planted in moist, well drained soils, preferably in a semi shaded position.

Propagation is readily carried out from cuttings, preferably of hardened, current season’s growth.



Plant profile image

Bauera sessiliflora
Photo: Brian Walters


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