General Description:

Cephalipterum is a genus comprising the single species C.drummondii.  It is an herbaceous annual that often occurs in a massed display of white and yellow flowered plants. Pink forms are sometimes seen.  Individually, the plants are up to about 0.4 metres high with leaves 10-50 mm long.  The flower heads are between 15-30 mm in diameter and occur singly at the ends of the stems mainly in late winter and spring, but may be seen at other times following rain.

Pom Pom Everlasting is not often cultivated but would be suited to drier climates.  It forms a spectacular display if seed in sown directly into well drained soil beds to form a massed display. On a smaller scale, seed can be sown directly into containers of  a native plant potting mix.  Plants are best grown in a full sun or semi-shaded location.

Plants may be propagated from seed which is sometimes available from commercial supplies and germination can be expected in 1 to 3 weeks after sowing. Seed should be sown in late autumn or early winter for spring flowering. The species can also be grown from cuttings.

Plant profile image

Cephalipterum drummondii – yellow form
Photo: Brian Walters

Plant profile image

Cephalipterum drummondii – yellow form
Photo: Brian Walters

Plant profile image

Cephalipterum drummondii – white form
Photo: Brian Walters


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