General Description:
Cochlospermum is a genus of about 20 species with four occurring in Australia. The Australian species are plants of the tropics and all tend to lose their leaves during the dry season.
Cochlospermum gillivraei is a small tree, 3 to 12 metres in height, which is deciduous in the dry season. The bright yellow flowers appear before the new leaves. Bark is creamy-grey and smooth.
Leaves are deeply lobed with 5-7egg-shaped or lance-shaped lobes, the lobes dark green and smooth, 5-7 cm x 8-10 cm.
The bright yellow flowers are about 10 cm in diameter have 5 open petals, red stamens and are borne in small terminal panicles. Flowering occurs from August to October when the tree is leafless. Seeds are borne in egg-shaped capsules,about 8 cm long, which split open when ripe to release black seeds embedded in a cotton-like fibre.
In cultivation the plant needs well drained soils and a sunny position.
Kapok may be propagated from seed which appears to need hot water treatment to achieve satisfactory results.

Cochlospermum gillivraei
Photos: Keith Townsend

Cochlospermum gillivraei
Photos: Keith Townsend