General Description:

Conothamnus is a small genus comprising 3 species, all of which are endemic to the south-west of Western Australia.  They are all small shrubby plants. The genus is closely related to Melaleuca, differing from that genus in having a single seed in each overy cell compare with many seeds in Melaleuca.

Conothamnus aureus is a small, much branched shrub up to 50 cm high and 100 cm wide. The small oval leaves are about 10 mm wide and 5 mm wide. Flowers occur in globular-shaped heads about 10 mm in diameter. They are yellow in colour and are usually seen in from late winter to spring. The flowers are followed by globular seed capsules.

C.aureus is not often seen in cultivation but can be expected to require growing conditions similar to those of western Melaleuca species. In eastern Australia this would mean a well drained, sunny or partly shaded position.  The plant should be tolerant of at least moderate frost.

Propagation would be expected to be reliable from both seed and cuttings.

Plant profile image

Conothamnus aureus
Photo: Murray Fagg – Australian National Botanic Gardens


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