General Description:
Grevillea australis has the distinction of being the only Grevillea to occur naturally in Tasmania. It is a very variable species and several botanical varieties are recognised. It grows as a dwarf to medium shrub from 0.2 to 2.5 metres high and has linear to elliptic leaves from 50 to 500 mm long by 1 to 5 mm wide. The white flowers occur in clusters along the stems mainly in winter and spring. Seeds are borne in brown, leathery follicles.
G.australis is an interesting and reliable species for cool to cold climates. It can be grown in warmer climates but flowering is often poor under those conditions. It prefers a sunny position in well drained soils. Because of the natural variation of the species, care should be excercised in selection so that a plant with the desired growth habit is obtained. It responds well to pruning and is tolerant of heavy frosts.
The species can be grown from seed which should have the brown covering peeled away for reliable germination. Cuttings from firm, current season’s growth usually strike reliably.

Grevillea australis
Photo: Neil Marriott