General Description:
Halgania is a genus of 22-25 species, all occurring only in Australia. They are small, perennial shrubs or sub-shrubs.
Halgania cyanea is a small sub-shrub to about 40 cm in height (occasionally taller) by a similar width, often with a suckering habit. The leaves are soft, dull green in colour, linear to narrowly elliptical in shape with toothed margins and about 25 mm long. Flowers are deep blue, occurring at the ends of the branches, usually singly. Flowering is predominantly in summer but flowers may also be seen at other times of the year. As might be expected by its wide natural range, the species is quite variable and several varieties are recognised.
H.cyanea has been in cultivation for many years and, despite its occurrence in dry areas, it seems adaptable to temperate climates provided soil drainage is excellent. It is reported to be frost tolerant and adaptable to alkaline soils. It performs best in a sunny, open position.
Propagation can be carried out from seed which germinates well, without treatment. Cuttings of firm, current seasons growth should also be successful.

Halgania cyanea
Photo: Ian Roberts