General Description:
The plant family Ericaceae (heaths and heathers) is widespread in many parts of the globe, particularly Europe and South Africa. It contains a number of widely cultivated plants such as Erica, Rhododendron and Pieris.
Like most of Australia’s members of the Ericaceae, Styphelia belongs to the subfamily Epacridoideae, which was formerly classified as a separate family, the Epacridaceae. Styphelia is closely related to Epacris, the main difference being the distinctly hairy inner surface of the petals in Styphelia.
Until recently, Styphelia comprised 14 species. However, the classification of Styphelia has been contentious for many years and a study carried out in 2020* determined that many species in related genera such as Astroloma and Leucopogon warrant inclusion in an expanded Styphelia genus. This work has been accepted in the Australian Plant Census (which ANPSA recognises as the authority on plant taxonomy). As a result, the genus Styphelia is now regarded as comprising about 260 species distributed from Indo-China through the Pacific to Australia.
In Australia, there are about 150 species found in all states and territories. They range from small to large shrubs with tubular flowers.
Styphelia viridis is a small and somewhat straggly plant up to about half a metre in height. Two subspecies are recognised; var. viridis and var. brevifolia. The latter differs from the type form mainly in having narrower leaves and smaller floral parts.
S.viridis has stiff stems with small, lance-shaped leaves up to 15-25 mm long by about 5 mm wide. The flowers are usually bottle green to yellow green with rolled-back petals revealing the hairy inner surface. Flowers appear from autumn to spring and are frequented by honey-eating birds.
Like other members of the genus, S.viridis is not often seen in cultivation except in the gardens of enthusiasts. The species should be given a moist, well drained position, preferably in semi shade.
Propagation is usually by cuttings of firm current season’s growth and improved results have been reported when a root-promoting hormone is used. The species can be grown from seed but this is not readily available.
* Crayn DM, Hislop M, Puente-Lelièvre C (2020); A phylogenetic recircumscription of Styphelia (Ericaceae, Epacridoideae, Styphelieae). Australian Systematic Botany 33 137–168
Styphelia viridis
Photo: Murray Fagg – Australian National Botanic Gardens