General Description:
Callerya is a genus of about 20 species, with five occurring in Australia. Callerya megasperma was previously known as Millettia megasperma and is the most commonly seen species in cultivation in Australia. The plant is known as Austrocallerya megasperma in NSW.
As indicated by the common name, C. megasperma resembles the commonly grown exotic climber wisteria. The latter is a deciduous plant while C.megasperma is evergreen.
Native wisteria is a robust climbing plant with pinnate, glossy foliage having about 20 oblong-elliptic to obovate leaflets. Mauve to purple pea flowers occur in terminal clusters in late winter and spring and are followed by woody seed pods containing up to 8 large seeds.
This is a hardy plant for tropical and sub-tropical climates, although some success has been recorded further south in a protected, warm situation away from severe frost. It is a vigorous climber which can be controlled by pruning if needed. It prefers a sunny or partially shaded location in moist, reasonably drained soils. It is tolerant of light frosts.
Propagation is by fresh seed but germination may take several months. Cuttings can be slow to strike – use of a root-promoting hormone is desirable.

Callerya megasperma
Photo: Brian Walters