General Description:

Symphionema is a small genus of only two species, both native to New South Wales. S.montanum is a small shrub up to about 0.5 metre high with attractive lobed foliage. Leaves are about 50mm long and divided into several segments. The cream-coloured flower clusters occur at the ends of the branches in attractive spikes about 75mm long.  Flowering occurs in spring and early summer.

Symphionema montanum is rarely seen in gardens although it would seem to be an ideal garden plant for cool, mountain areas. Limited experience at low altitudes indicate that it may be difficult to maintain for more than a few years. It should be planted in well drained, light soils which do not dry out. Full sun or a lightly shaded position is preferred.

Propagation can be carried out fairly easily from cuttings using firm, current season’s growth. There is no reported experience with propagation from seed.



Plant profile image

Symphionema montanum
Photo: Brian Walters


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